Perhaps the greatest effort we can put forth is to help make our profession better. To that end, in 2011, SDRSP began offering a $1000 scholarship available to any South Dakota K-12 teacher with 5 years experience. The idea was so popular (and economically supported by our members) that we now offer two scholarships a year! To qualify for this scholarship, the teacher must be working on an advanced degree or national certification. Please fill out the application and save it as a WORD or pdf document. E-mail the application and the two required essays as attachments to the address on the application form. Deadline for application: April 5th. Please be sure the application is electronically submitted by that date!
Past Winners
Chelsea Brink and Kahlab Rose
Chelsea Brink and Kahlab Rose, both high school science teachers in Watertown were the recipients of $1000 each to be used for expenses associated with pursuing a Master’s degree.